Kwanzaa is an African-American Holiday that is based on seven principles:
Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), Nia (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity), and Imani (Faith).
WE WIN students use the principles of Kwanzaa as illustrated through, story, dance, and drum to show the positive aspects of the community and show case their undeniable talent. Since 1996, when our Kwanzaa Celebration took place at Lyndale School, WE WIN has collaborated with dozens of Minneapolis Public Schools, metro charter schools, universities, community leaders, elders, and a wide array of artists from Robert Robinson, Grammy award winning Sounds of Blackness, Toki Wright, MC Longshot, Kenna Cottman and Voice of Culture, to the legendary local R&B band Mint Condition's Stokely Williams' Jazz band.
See below for media from past Kwanzaa celebrations.